APN Settings for True SMART 4G 4.0
- At Home screen, go to [Menu]
- Select [Settings]
- Select [More…]
- And then [Cellular network]
- Select [Access Point Names]
- You'll find [APN] per inserted SIM card. If none, set up by yourself
- Tap [+] to add [Access Point Names]
- TRUE-H INTERNET (leave blank, not set for others)
- APN = internet
- [APN type] = default or default,supl
- [Username] = true
- [Password] = true
- MCC = 520
- MNC = 00
- Press Menu button on device and select [Save]
- TRUE-H MMS (leave blank, not set for others)
- [Name] = TRUE-H MMS
- APN = hmms
- [APN type] = mms
- [Username] = true
- [Password] = true
- MMSC = http://mms.trueh.com:8002/
- [MMS proxy] =
- [MMS port] = 8080
- [Authentication type] = PAP
- MCC = 520
- MNC = 00
- Press Menu button on device and select [Save]