Everything you might want to know and wonder about the TRUE NEXT GEN, we have prepared answers here.
18-month program consisting of 3-rotation (6 months per rotation)
- To be the No.1 Telecom-Tech Company business leader. This batch adjusts the characteristics of the talent that we are looking for TNG Profile (DNA/Competency) to align with the organization's goals and future challenges.
- The new selection process is fun yet intense with processes that make candidates learn more about how to run a successful business.
- Customized self-development program.
- Mentorship for both Work & Life to create employee engagement and provide job development through learning from a learning society, and knowledge exchange between TNG and internal/external stakeholders.
- Rotation is designed to enhance abilities and promote career opportunities including a transparent performance evaluation measurement.
- Fast-track career advancement under True Corp and across CP Group
- Enhance and develop your ability with a culture of continuous learning and receive coaching from executives
- Hand-on experience in new technology or new data set covering more than 50 million people which they cannot find anywhere else
- Hand-on experience with an opportunity to explore different business functions
- Intensive leadership development through Lifelong-Learning Culture
- Close mentoring by top executives
- Competitive Compensation and Benefits
Project-based assignment in a strategic area of each function
Yes, if the candidate profile fits both tracks.
The committee will consider the appropriate track after the
selection process.
Permanent Employee
Business Talent:
New generation leaders with management ability, strategic planning skill, and ability to drive the team towards success according to the strategic plan. Be flexible, and ready to work in different areas.
Tech Talent:
New-generation leaders with expertise in Technology, understand the nature of business and are able to apply Data & Technology to propose innovative solutions to strengthen business competitiveness.
- In-person Interview : February - March - April 2024
- 3-Day Boot camp : April 2024
- Job Offering & Signing contract : April - May 2024
- Joining Date : June 2024
31 March 2024
Candidates must have a birth date on or after 1 January 1996 (2539)
Candidates must attend in-person interview. Virtual Interview is not allowed.
Portfolio standard Template
- Maximum 5 pages of PowerPoint presentation (size 16:9).
- Must be submit as a single PDF file up to 10 MB or less.
Portfolio guideline
- Brief self-introduction and highlights your skills and experience as a technology professional.
Work samples or projects : brief description of the project,
the technologies used and your role. Include screenshots or
you can also attach link of the
The actual project, for example, a website, mobile application or an interactive portfolio with animations or videos. - Key achievements & impacts, Certifications and awards
Submission Process
- Prepare your portfolio
- Set the file name e.g. [your full name_Portfolio.pdf] example: Khwanjai Jaidee_Portfolio.pdf
- Upload your application form provided link
Yes, if candidates have experience in related fields or participated in related activities
A process of selecting applicants to join True Corporation through bootcamp activities that will allow applicants to show their potential in presenting ideas/innovations in a project-based, those outstanding potentials will be selected to be part of the Company.
If participant is unable to attend bootcamp, he/she will be withdrawn for the selection process
The bootcamp will be held on Fri-Sun
April 2024 (must attend all day)
- Get to know the True Corp and understand the objectives of the True Next Gen program from the introduction of top executives
- Earn experience in participating in bootcamp and enhancing your pitching skills with other candidates along with receiving advice from the company's executives and experts
- Update the recent news and announcement via an Email from the Talent Acquisition team
- Save the date to participate in a bootcamp
- Bring your laptop
- Dress code: Smart Casual